G a m e D e s i g n e r | G a m e p l a y P r o g r a m m e r


The end of the world cometh! How does it all end? By raining alien cats - lots and lots of alien cats. Armed with your hammer, give them the sweet taste of resistance and show them humanity won't go down without a fight!

Genre Action, Endless Runner
Engine Phaser 2 (Javascript)
Status Released

Roles and Responsibilities

Javascript Gameplay Programming
  • Programmed object spawn recycling to optimize performance
  • Programmed projectile-chaining combat system and hitboxes
  • Scripted foreground parallax scrolling and endless runner scrolling
  • Programmed player controls and mechanics (health, movement, attack, aiming, powerup)
  • Scripted difficulty increase with object spawn time, enemy density, and screen scroll speed
  • Scripted random spawn generation for items, enemies, explosive barrels
  • Scripted score system and combo multipliers
UI Design/Programming
  • Scripted score and damage popup text
  • Scripted cursor to superfist powerup on pickup
  • Scripted endscreen tally
  • Created and implemented all art assets
