G a m e D e s i g n e r | G a m e p l a y P r o g r a m m e r

Doom 2

2010 - Present


Doom 2 is a classic FPS shooter released in 1994, and one of my personal favorite games that inspired me to be a game designer. With the source port GZDoom, which helps run the 30+ year old game on modern computers, it also adds new features such as hi-res graphics and shaders, as well as full modding functionality for users to keep making content.

Genre First-Person Shooter, Action
Engine GZDoom
Tools GZDoom Builder (Level Editor), Slade 3 (Programming)
Status Unreleased, Ongoing Development

Roles and Responsibilities

Gameplay Programming
  • Coded in ZScript and DECORATE (C++ based language) 100+ classes gameplay, enemy AI, and more using Slade 3 editor
  • Coded 50+ new weapons and mechanics such as dual wielding, piercing shots, aim down sights, upgrading, reloading, and weapon swapping
  • Coded player mechanics such as stamina, leaping, extra lives, quick melee attack, flashlight, and grenade hotkey
  • Coded enemy head/limb hitboxes, weakpoints, and damage multipliers
  • Coded score-based level-up and purchase system
  • Coded interactable objects and items
2D and 3D Art
  • Created 500+ sprites and art assets for weapons, textures, UI, and other game graphics
  • Created 3D models using Wings 3D and Maverick 3D
UI and HUD
  • Programmed new HUD with life/stamina bar, ammo counter, and inventory display
  • Programmed animated dynamic health bar and score counter
Level Design
  • Designed 100+ of massive levels, objectives, and scripted events with GZDoom Builder
  • Scripted game modes such as survival, horror, top-down view, and deathmatch
  • Scripted popular game modes such as Nazi Zombies, Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, and GoldenEye
  • Scripted atmospheric weather such as rain, snow, fog, and outer space

