G a m e D e s i g n e r | G a m e p l a y P r o g r a m m e r


Executable C++ application that mimics SQL-style tables by creating record databases based on user input. Database can be modified, filtered based on key values, and imported/exported to external files.

Language C++
Tools Qt Creator (qmake)
Concepts Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, B+ Trees, State Machine, SQL


  • Programmed SQL-style user command input using reverse polish notation with linked lists
  • Programmed user command parsing by using shunting yard algorithm and state machine recursion
Object-Oriented Programming
  • Programmed templated, abstract, and virtual classes for all data types
Data Structures
  • Used Linked lists, queues, and stacks to efficiently store data for various sort and manipulate operations
  • Programmed B+ trees to create MultiMap structure to store data, with average O(log n) search time for SQL data
